In the world of horseback riding, the partnership between horse and rider is paramount to success and safety. Without working in harmony with the horse and supporting their wellness and development, our ability to ride them is moot. A well-rounded equine education is a deep, ongoing process of understanding and respecting the horse, developing a partnership built on trust, and cultivating the skills and knowledge necessary for responsible care and handling. At FRC we are determined to develop skilled, confident, compassionate equestrians who put the animal first.
Unmounted lessons, which focus on ground-based education, are an integral part of horsemanship and essential for a well-rounded riding education. In unmounted lessons, riders learn to communicate with horses through body language, voice, and posture—skills that are fundamental when riding. Our new curriculum seeks to fill the gaps that will inevitably result when learning from the saddle only. With two feet firmly on the ground, we can ascertain how pressure and release can shape one’s relationship with the horse; how the horse is put together and how to balance that anatomy; and so much more.

By incorporating unmounted lessons into their education, riders develop a better understanding of the horse’s body, mind, and behavior, improving their overall riding ability. These lessons foster patience, empathy, and awareness, ensuring a positive experience for both horse and rider. Ultimately,horsemanship is not just about riding—it’s about building a meaningful relationship with the horse, grounded in respect and understanding.