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Frenchtown Riding Club offers a full calendar of events, designed to reflect the many aspects of the equestrian experience and satisfy the diverse interests of its members


Recent events have included a cookout with games and live music; trick-or-treating with the horses; a sunset campfire with hotdogs and marshmallows; a holiday photo event with Santa; an veterminary first aid clinic and luncheon; a Valentine's ride; family movie night in the barn with the horses; an off-site trail ride on Clydesdales; a Kentucky Derby viewing party; a family campout; trivia night; Teach a Friend to Ride Day; schooling shows; Kids' Night Out; A Day at the Barn one-day camp; an equestrian mental wellness clinic, a polo clinic, weekly happy hours, equestrian fitness training classes and a polo clinic.


Join our mailing list to stay up to date on new events.


Thursdays, March 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th, from 5:30 until 7:00 p.m.


Join us for Happy Hour every Thursday from 5:30 until 7:00 p.m., with complementary light snacks and refreshments. BYOB, if you wish. BYOH ("Bring Your Own Horse"), too, and enjoy our spacious indoor and outdoor arenas, explore our trails, or just hang out and enjoy the company of fellow horse lovers. This event is free and open to all. Riding lessons, scheduled in advance, are also available, on your horse or ours, at the normal fee.               


Must be 21+ to BYOB. Helmets & liability waiver required for all riders. Coggins required for all horses.


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Saturday, March 8th 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.


Equestrianism is a demanding sport, requiring both physical and mental strength, stamina and resilience. It’s not uncommon for riders to struggle with trauma after a bad fall, grief at the loss of a beloved horse, stress, anxiety, or loss of confidence. Frenchtown Riding Club is pleased to host a clinic with Lisa Weiss, LCSW, a fellow equestrian and founder of BEAU Equestrian Mental Wellness. This is a great opportunity for horse owners, riders, and professionals of all disciplines and levels to add some new tools to their toolbox, for better riding, greater enjoyment, and a stronger relationship between horse and rider.


This event, which is free for FRC members and just $25 per nonmember, includes a light buffet and refreshments. BYOB welcome. Advance registration suggested but not required. Call or email to reserve your spot.


Click the button below to see more clinics.



Saturday, March 22nd, 9:00 - 2:00 p.m.


Our first schooling show of 2025 is also FRC's first-ever schooling show open to the public!


For more info, including all show dates, classes, costs, and Registration Form, click the button below.

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