What makes our After School Riding Program so special?
Find out for yourself.
For free.
Enroll your child for an afternoon of riding lessons and horse care, new friends and experiences,
homework help, fresh air and exercise, games and activities.
On us. No strings attached.
We’re that certain they’ll love it.
Click HERE to learn more about our AFTER SCHOOL RIDING PROGRAM
Frenchtown Riding Club's After School Program is open to students in grades one through twelve.
Hours of operation are from 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. on school days.
Enrollees must be able to participate in all program activities. (Frenchtown Riding Club is not equipped to provide therapuetic riding services.)
One free day will be provided to each of the first seven qualified applicants who apply by midnight on Sunday, September 29th.
Limited to one entry per household.
Optional transportation is not included in this offer.
Applicants must agree to abide by all FRC rules and regulations.
Simply send an email to FrenchtownRidingClub@gmail.com, with:
Your name
Your phone number
Your child's name
Your child's age
Your child's school and grade
AND a sentence or two stating why you think your child will enjoy our After School Riding Program.
Email us at FrenchtownRidingClub@gmail.com or give us a call at 908-628-9441.